Centre for Law and ReligionCentre for Law and Religion


The Interfaith Legal Advisers Network

Background and objectives:

The first of its kind in the UK, the Interfaith Legal Adviser Network was established by Cardiff Law School’s Centre of Law and Religion in December 2007. The Network was developed in response to the large number of recent high profile court cases involving religion, including cases concerning religious dress, sacred animals, and faith schools and the considerable challenges for faith groups posed by the in State law on religion.

The Network seeks to facilitate an ongoing discussion providing members with a greater understanding of their respective religious legal systems and the common legal issues they face.

For more details on the first meeting, click here

Members of the Network at their first meeting (December 2007)

Back Row L-R: Dr Augur Pearce (United Reformed Church); Frank Cranmer (Society of Friends (Quakers)); Alexander McGregor (Church of England); Neil Addison (Barrister); Anthony Jeremy (Church in Wales, and Order of St Lazarus); Norman Doe (Director, Centre for Law and Religion, Cardiff Law School); Arthit Satthavorasit (Buddhist); Samantha Knights (Barrister); Professor Mark Hill (Chancellor of Anglican Diocese in Europe); Eithne D`Auria (Roman Catholic Church); Sohan Singh (Sikh); Natan Levy (Rabbi); Nick Grant (Church of the Latter Day Saints (Mormon))

Front Row L-R: David Gamble (Methodist Church); Emmanuel Stavrianakis (Greek Orthodox); Professor Nikitas Aliprantis (Greek Orthodox); Professor Gillian Douglas (Head of Cardiff Law School); Jaswant Singh (Sikh); Carole Hope (Church of Scotland).

For more details on the first meeting, click here


Authors: Norman Doe and Russell Sandberg

Last Updated: January 7, 2008