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Law and Religion Scholars Network

LARSN Conference

The 2016 LARSN Conference was held on Thursday 5th and Friday 6th May 2016 at the School of Law and Politics at Cardiff University and was organised by Dr Russell Sandberg and Caroline Roberts.

It formed part of Cardiff Festival of Law and Religion on May 5th and 6th at Cardiff University, which celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of the LLM in Canon Law at Cardiff University, the first degree of its type in a British University since the Reformation. The programme for the event is available here

The current plan is to hold the next LARSN Conference in Cardiff in May 2018. This will again be a two day event to celebrate the tenth anniversary of LARSN. From now on, the intention is to hold the LARSN Conference itself every other year, with a number of smaller and specialist events being held in the other year.  More details will be announced in due course.

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