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Roger Ruston

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Qualifications: MSc (zoology), STL (theology), MLitt (Oxon) (international relations)

Occupation: Freelance theologian and editor


[1] theological basis for human rights;
[2] treatment of the strangers and unbelievers in religious law;
[3] Jewish-Christian relations: the post-Holocaust reappraisal of Christian beliefs and traditions;



Nuclear Deterrence: Right or Wrong?, London: CIS Publications, 1981.
The Violent God of the Old Testament, London: Pax Christi, 1989.
A Say in the End of the World: Morals and British Nuclear Weapons Policy 1941–1987, Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.
Human Rights and the Image of God, London: SCM Press, 2004.


Nineteen articles in New Blackfriars from 1972 to 1999, mostly on religious life and political theology.
‘Nuclear Deterrence and the Use of the Just War Doctrine’, in N. Blake and K Pole (eds.), Objections to Nuclear Defence, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1984.
‘The Idols of Security’, in A. Race (ed.), Theology against the Nuclear Horizon, London: SCM Press, 1988.
‘Memory, Sacrifice and War’, New Blackfriars, Vol 71, No. 843 (1990).
‘The War of Religions and the Religion of War’, in B. Wicker (ed.), Studying War – No More?, Kampen: Kok Pharos, 1993.
‘Francisco de Vitoria: The Rights of Enemies and Strangers’, in J. Orme Mills (ed.), Justice, Peace and Dominicans, 12167–2001, Dublin, Dominican Publications, 2001.
‘Human Rights: Consensus or Confusion?’, Priests and People, March 2001.
‘The Troubled Birth of Human Rights’: Spanish Dominicans and the Gospel’ (Las Casas Lecture given in Oxford, November 2001, published on the Web).
‘Theologians, Humanists and Natural Rights’, in M. Hill (ed.), Religious Liberty and Human Rights, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2002.
‘Religious Truths and Human Coexistence’, in Raphael Walden (ed.), Religion and Human Rights, Martinus Nijhoff, 2006.