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Helen Hall

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Qualifications: MA, PhD

Occupation: Priest in the Church in Wales


Tort/Contract and religious denominations

Family law and religion
Human rights

Employment and quasi-employment status of clergy

Sample Publications:


‘Maga and Direct Liability in Negligence’ Law and Justice: The Christian Law Review, Trinity/ Michaelmas 2011

‘In the Matter of C’ Law and Justice: The Christian Law Review, Trinity/Michaelmas 2012

‘The Catholic Welfare Society and Others (Appellants) v The Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (Respondents)’ Law and Justice, The Christian Law Review, Hilary/Easter 2013

Simbologia Religiosa En El Ámbito Laboral. A Propósito Del Caso Chaplin Y Sus Implicaciones En El Derecho Británico, (Religious Symbols in the Workplace: Chaplin and its Implications in British Law) Revista General de Derecho Canónico y Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado 32 (2013), 2013 [with J García Oliva] [2013]

Same Sex Marriage: An Inevitable Challenge to Religious Liberty and Establishment? Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, [with J García Oliva] [2013]

Religious decision-making and the capacity of children in the United Kingdom, Laicidad y Libertades (2013) December 2013] [with J García Oliva ]

’Between F v F’ The Christian Law Review, Hilary/Easter 2014