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The Colloquium of Anglican and Roman Catholic Canon Lawyers

The Work and Publications of the Colloquium (2004-2007)

The Fifth Colloquium, London 2004, planned a strategy to deal with a request from the International Anglican and Roman Catholic Commission on Unity and Mission to identify and develop ‘canonical possibilities’ for further ecumenical dialogue, and movement towards a fuller visible unity between Anglicans and Catholics. The meeting highlighted mixed marriages, eucharistic sharing, and recognition of orders as subjects worthy of study.

The co-chair of the Commission, Bishop Beetge, attended the Sixth Colloquium, Rome 2005, which explored ordained ministry, possibilities for recognition of Anglican orders, and the primacy of the Petrine office. This discussion was followed up at the Seventh Colloquium, Johannesburg 2006, on canon law and orders. Both the 2005 and 2006 meetings resulted in formulation of a statement of agreed principles which was submitted to the International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity and Mission for consideration.

The Eighth Colloquium met in Rome 17-20 April 2007 explored ways to improve ecumenical understanding in clerical formation.The colloquium was highly successful, resulting in an agreed statement which is to be published and submitted to the International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity and Mission. Colloqium members met His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI only one day from his 2 year anniversary as Pope. The team also had lunch with Francis Campbell, Her Majesty's Ambassador to the Holy See, who was highly supportive of the entire venture.

Papers from the sixth, seventh and eighth Colloquiums have been published as: N Doe (ed), The Formation and Ordination of Clergy in Anglican and Roman Catholic Canon Law (Centre for Law and Religion, Cardiff 2009) ISBN 978-0-9558097-3-6.

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